By Published On: oktober 25th, 20121,4 min read

I went to a seminar today, about games in education and it made me think of the old Backpacker-series. Released as Backpacker 1, 2 and 3, where the first two games was developed by Tati Mixedia and Aniware AB and published by BMG Interactive Entertainment. Backpacker 3, where developed by Pan Vision AB, with two additional expansion packs. But the game was changed so much, I felt it didn’t live up to its prequels. I still considder Backpacker 2 as the best one.

  • The game (#2) is about travelling around the world, to different cities and answers questions about the locations. You can travel by flight, train or boat.  In order to get the money needed for traveling, the player have to take different jobs, answering subject questions and completing different
  • In each city, there is two sorts of hotel, one expensive and one cheaper. The advantage with the expensive one is that it could be easier to get a job. You can also buy souvenirs cheap in one city and sell them in a place where it is more exotic to gain more money.
  • There can be several different goals in the game. Either that travel around the world in the shortest time, to visit as many cities as possible or to get certificates in as many jobs as possible.

So I started googeling, looking for re-makes or similar games, hoping for one I could play on my iPad. But the search has not come up with any satisfying results yet. Maybe if I can get enough people, we can get Tati Mixedia, Aniware, BMG Interactive Entertainment or Vision AB, to do a re-make for iOS/Android devices, like LucasArt and Telltale Games did with The Secret of Monkey Island.

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Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


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