By Published On: mars 30th, 20130,9 min read

The Grand Rapids, Mich., sextet, an outlaw country outfit that likes «Fishing, Hunting» and «Ridin’ in the Hillbilly Hummer and the Hummer Deluxe,» just dropped a new music video for their Nashville name-dropping anthem «Could Be Me.» In it, the band reportedly puts a friends’ access to a Google Street View car to good use.

The video tracks the Grizzly Boys and a big group of their friends as they cruise down a snowy road in Michigan on the backs of three pickup trucks. Rather than appearing in standard video form, the camera’s focus fades in and out, as if someone’s pushing the forward arrow on a Google Street View map.

Gunnar & the Grizzly Boys say it’s real—»To protect our friends at Google who bent the rules to make this video possible (and their jobs), we can’t disclose when and where this was filmed,» they wrote on the video’s page—but a number of viewers are claiming false advertising.

Google is known to blur faces, which is not done here, but it’s still an entertaining music video.

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Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


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