By Published On: februar 13th, 20130,6 min read

«Sometimes it all just sort of comes together. Plan all you want, but most absolutely perfect moments tend to require a bit of serendipity, rather than choreography.» Joe Berkowitz writes over at Co.Create.

It’s a comment to the  impressive «Man Feed Swans» photograph, captured by Marcin Ryczek. featuring a man feeding swans on a snowy bank in Krakow, Poland.

The multiple contrast of black and white as well as the perfect artistic division of the photo into two opposite and complementary halves, makes this image a real work of art and  almost unreal expression of contrast and symmetry.



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Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


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