Finally, the crowd-sourced project has been stitched together and put online for your streaming pleasure. The «Director’s Cut» is a feature-length film that contains hand-picked scenes from the entire collection.

Many thanks to Aaron Valdez (video editor – and Bryan Pugh (sound design/mixing – for the countless hours they put into this masterpiece.

The Story:
In 2009, thousands of Internet users were asked to remake “Star Wars: A New Hope” into a fan film, 15 seconds at a time. Contributors were allowed to recreate scenes from Star Wars however they wanted. Within just a few months SWU grew into a wild success. The creativity that poured into the project was unimaginable.
SWU has been featured in documentaries, news features and conferences around the world for its unique appeal. In 2010 we won a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Creative Achievement In Interactive Media.

We can’t thank everyone enough for making this such a special project.

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Skrevet av:

Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


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