By Published On: april 27th, 20130,5 min read

The Evolution of Batman poster designed by Cathryn Lavery from Calm the Ham is a visual history of the Batman symbol over the years. I can’t think of any consumer logo that has changed this much, but the Batman logo remains a very powerful and recognizable brand.

A comprehensive and extensive chart of the Batman logo evolution, spanning over 72 years from 1940 – 2012 to map the transformation of a timeless hero. Thanks to DC Comics for creating this cultural icon that we can all obsess over, all logos belong to them.


Del denne historien, velg plattform!

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Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


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